28 September 2007

red door painter

Maastricht, 2007

27 September 2007

jesus christ super star

Avignon, 2004
Não posso deixar de reconhecer que o nome Fátima sempre me provocou uma certa náusea. Mas hoje quase que não.

17 September 2007

this is not a love letter (2)

Maastricht, 2007


08 September 2007

what is european? (15)


07 September 2007

what is european? (14)

Brussels, 2005

Maybe no one can explain what European identity is. But it’s maybe possible to explain what is Europeanization. Europeanization is the sharing of experiences among Europeans and the respective process of imagining a common identity. Probably the success of this on-going project will depends on the economic and social integration of Europe, and on the EU capacity to proportionate to all Europeans access to full citizenship: education on a high standard, employment and social security.


06 September 2007

what is european? (13)

Figueira da Foz, 2007

The contact between groups influences the productions of (self) representations of identities of those groups. Those on-going identities use to detach what is identical between the elements of the “in group” and to exaggerate differences about the “out-group”. It is the contact with difference that not only makes the consciousness of identity, but also changes it, obliging to assume it self.


05 September 2007

what is european? (12)

London, 2006

Politicians use religious, linguistic, racial or economic differences to distinguish who is with or against “national citizens”. The existence of an “Other”, of an enemy from the people increase unity among nationals. An aggressive Russia, a possible Chernobyl new catastrophe, George Bush administration, immigration, terrorism or orthodox muslin threaten, have potential to create the necessary fear among Europeans. “They” (no matter who they are) will be the threaten. “We” (no matter who we are) will be the victims.


04 September 2007

what is european? (11)

Coimbra, 2007

“Someone knock the door

– you didn’t open”

The lack of interest of the Europeans concerning to the EU political system is evident. Most of them have never heard about the Court of Justice or the Council of Ministers. Average Europeans knows little about how the European Union works, which also is a problem in the development of an European identity. The increasing of consumption and leisure values is accompanied with a decrease of the politic involvement, especially between youngsters. The European power in Brussels is precept as something confused, bureaucratic and distant from the common elector and the number of non-voters for the European Parliament is significant in most of the countries. The general indifference concerning to those issues may also means a passive resistance against the political structure, which politicians have not been able to face in an efficient way.


what is european? (10)

Scotland, 2001

In Aberdeen, a football fan from Hibernian FC says that he is from Inverness. In Edinburgh, people can think that he is from the Highlands. In London, he might fell from Scotland. In vacancies in Spain perhaps from the United Kingdom. In Japan, maybe he will feel European.


03 September 2007

what is european? (9)

London, 2006

Despite all the differences between regions, in the western European countries is possible to find a similar pattern of economic development. Social life progressed along similar lines everywhere, based on a high-developed trading system involving the exchange of goods, labour and know-how. This western capitalist trading system formed social groups predisposed to a transnational identification and a common culture could take hold. In fact, economy has being the engine of the European construction and Euro becomes, inclusively, the main European symbol. However not all Europeans uses or even wants to use Euro, and 2004 enlargement increased the economic diversity within the members States. Once more, European identity is an on-going concept.


02 September 2007

what is european? (8)

London, 2006

Since the late 1960s, the western world knew an intellectual movement that questioned old certainties such as modernisation, progress, reason and positivism. A new generation, more informed and critic become aware of environmental, Human Rights or historical problems. Far from being the triumph of civilisation over irrationality, tyranny and violence, Europe becomes a metaphor for post-imperial and self-punishment. If values as liberty, democracy, tolerance or peace are being considered as part of the European Union, Europe is also scepticism, contradictions and diversity. Did European Union born from an European nihilism?
